Celebrate Muscular Dystrophy Month With Us

Eight years ago, I sat in a doctor’s office staring down at a brochure from Muscular Dystrophy Canada mindlessly reading the same line over and over again.

Alfred and his son, Eloi who was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy need your support. Alfred’s passion for helping others led to him being named an honorary firefighter.

I was in shock. A doctor had just told me my 4-year-old son, Eloi, had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. When news like that comes, it’s like the world stops and the sky is falling on you.

All I could think about was that my son was going to stop walking and I would live to bury him and there was little I could do to intervene.

I didn’t know in that moment I would have supporters like you on my side, to help my family through this.

But then we reached out to Muscular Dystrophy Canada (MDC) and learned about the incredible support they are able to provide thanks to donors. In fact, we were so moved that we decided to take action by helping them raise much-needed funds for equipment, research and support for other famliles impacted.

September is Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month so I hope that you, too, will take action by making a gift today to help support the more than 50,000 Canadians impacted by neuromuscular disorders.

Families like Alfred’s, impacted by muscular dystrophy, need your support.

Because donors like you are having an incredible impact on the lives of individuals and families, like mine, who are living with a muscular dystrophy diagnosis.

For example, thanks to donors, we were able to adapt our home so Eloi can safely and freely get around. He has a scooter. He’s gone to summer camp. And, MDC was even able to visit his elementary school with their Muscle Facts program to help his classmates and teachers better understand his diagnosis and challenges. None of this would have been possible, without your support.

Sadly our story is not unique. Every year, more families have to figure out what a diagnosis of muscular dystrophy means for their son, daughter, brother, mother. You may even be one of those people, and you remember that moment as vividly as I do.

Mostly, I remember feeling helpless. The fear of the unknown can be so overwhelming. But joining the Muscular Dystrophy Canada family has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Not only has my family been gifted with new friendships and an invaluable support network – I’ve been able to help other families.

Donors, like you and me, can improve the lives of the thousands of Canadians living with a muscular dystrophy. That’s why I hope you will mark Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month with a generous gift.

I’ve seen first-hand how gifts from donors play a critical role in supporting individuals. And because of my job, managing clinical trials for a pharmaceutical company, I’ve seen how your gifts are moving promising research forward as well. Research can make the difference between an individual, like my son, walking or spending the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

Right now, Eloi only needs a wheelchair for long distances. But we know the day may come when he will have to rely on it completely. And, he’ll require other supports to maintain his quality of life. This disorder is progressive. It can be slowed, but not stopped. That’s why ongoing donor support is critical.

By making a gift today, you will be providing hope to all Canadians, whether they have been living with a disorder or they are just getting a diagnosis. Please give generously.

From my family to yours,

Alfred Breton-Pare, Eloi’s Proud Papa

P.S. September is Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month. Please make a gift to MDC so together we can fund life-changing equipment, and invest in life-saving research.

Alberta Fourth Province to Expand Access to Spinraza™ for Patients Impacted with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Alberta fourth province to expand access to SPINRAZA™ for patients impacted with Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

Muscular Dystrophy Canada (MDC) commends the Government of Alberta for joining Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Ontario in expanding access to SPINRAZA™, a life-changing treatment for individuals impacted with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).

In Alberta, the following patients will now be eligible for reimbursement of SPINRAZA™, in addition to Type 1 patients:

  • patients who are pre-symptomatic with two or three copies of SMN2, or
  • have had disease duration of less than six months, two copies of SMN2, and symptom onset the first week after birth and on or before seven months of age, or
  • are under the age of 18 with symptom onset after six months of age, regardless of the ability to walk.
  • Other patients who do not meet the expanded funding criteria may be considered in exceptional cases.
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More Patients Impacted with Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Ontario to Gain Access to Spinraza™

Toronto, Ontario – Muscular Dystrophy Canada (MDC) applauds the Government of Ontario for expanding access to SPINRAZA™, a life-changing treatment for individuals impacted with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). In Ontario, expanded coverage of SPINRAZA™ will include the following, in addition to existing coverage for Type 1 patients:
  • patients who are pre-symptomatic with two or three copies of the SMN2 gene;
  • patients with a disease duration of less than six months, two copies of the SMN2 gene, and symptom onset the first week after birth and on or before seven months of age;
  • patients under the age of 18, with symptom onset after six months of age and who have never achieved the ability to walk independently.
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Patients Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) in the Province of Saskatchewan Gain Access to Spinraza™

April 22, 2019

Dear members of the SMA community,

In response to the requests received by patients living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Biogen Canada would like to provide this latest progress regarding coverage of SPINRAZA™ (nusinersen) in the province of Saskatchewan.

Biogen Canada is delighted to inform you that on April 12, 2019, the Government of Saskatchewan informed treating physicians in their province that patients living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) have access to SPINRAZA™. The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health has made the decision to expand coverage of SPINRAZA™ to include the following, in addition to existing Type I patients:

  • Patients who are pre-symptomatic with two or three copies of the SMN2 gene;
  • Patients up to age 18, with symptom onset after six months of age and who have never achieved the ability to walk independently;
  • Patients that may have achieved the ability to walk independently (type III) as well as type II and type III patients over the age of 18 are encouraged to talk to their treating physician to apply for a case by case coverage.
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Federal Government Commits to National Strategy to Improve Access to Rare Disease Drugs

Toronto, Ontario – Muscular Dystrophy Canada commends the Government of Canada for committing $35 million, in its 2019 budget, to develop a Canadian Drug Agency to oversee the development of a new national formulary of prescribed drugs and a strategy to provide support for Canadians with rare diseases.

A national strategy to alleviate the high-cost of drugs for rare diseases will ensure more Canadians are able to access effective, life-changing treatments.

“This is an important first-step towards ensuring individuals diagnosed with a rare disease, such as a neuromuscular disorder, are able to access treatment without cost as a barrier,” said Barbara Stead-Coyle, CEO, Muscular Dystrophy Canada. “We call on all Federal parties to focus on this very real issue facing Canadians.”

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