Additions to the Equipment Program Funding!

Additions to the Equipment Program Funding!

Because of donors, like you, MDC has added a substantial list of Assistive Technology to its Equipment funding list.

Assistive technology helps people affected by neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) to improve their health, safety, independence, and t increase their participation in education, the workforce and their community. These devices include; smart watch or wearables for fall detection and medical alert, communication devices, Robotic arm or eating device, Smart door locks and medication dispensers to name a few!

For a full equipment list, application form and full program criteria please see below.


We rely on generous supporters to run all of our Programs and Services, which support Canadians affected by NMDs. A gift of $25 a month helps fund custom pieces of equipment, assistive devices and technology!

To support this program, please consider making a donation today.


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