Break down barriers for people like Christina today!

Christina was twelve years old when she started to experience weakness in her legs. She struggled to get up off the floor and just climbing stairs became very hard. Sometimes, her legs would give out entirely.

As an active and energetic youth who was involved in many sports, Christina kept making excuses for her sudden change in abilities. “I’m just being clumsy,” or “My legs are just not strong enough”, she said.
As her muscle weakness continued to progress, Christina was referred to a specialist. After several tests and visits, she and her family received life altering news.

Christina was diagnosed with Limb-Girdle muscular dystrophy.

Finally, Christina and her family had the answers they so desperately needed. Initially relieved to finally have an explanation for her change in ability, her diagnosis led to many more questions— questions that no one seemed to have the answers to.

“My parents and I had never heard of neuromuscular disorders before,” she says. “This was a new world to us. There were a lot of questions and tests and doctors weren’t able to give us clear information about what this would mean for me going forward. It was hard to get answers to these really important questions.”

We need your support now to ensure people like Christina and her family have access to the resources they need. Someone to answer questions and to act as a guide along the way. Your gift will help break down barriers.

When a Canadian is diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder, we know they will need a lot of support and services. But the systems around us – provincial healthcare, private insurance, and government policy – aren’t set up to give that kind of full support. These systems are also difficult for people to navigate. So that’s why we’re here – to fill in the healthcare gaps and help people find their way through these systems.

MDC has a full spectrum of programs, services, and supports for the thousands of Canadians of all ages living with a neuromuscular disorder. Plus, we invest in transformative research to work towards more answers, therapies, and hopefully, potential cures.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor today. Monthly donations provide ongoing support, allowing MDC to be nimble and respond to immediate and urgent priorities – like the needs of our clients and emerging, promising research.

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While Christina still doesn’t have all the answers to her questions, she knows that MDC is with her every step of the way and that research plays an important role in her quality of life. Christina emphasizes that even without a cure, the diagnosis itself was crucial.

“As hard as the diagnosis may be, education is one of the most important pieces,” she says. “It is a big step in accepting your diagnosis and leading the best life possible. You will have to advocate for yourself, and being informed is one of the best ways you can do that!”

Please renew your commitment to MDC today by making a monthly gift. Your support helps provide Canadians affected by neuromuscular disorders with answers to their most important questions. By making a gift today, you will provide access to the critical information they need to make informed decisions about their health.

Donors like you make MDC’s support of individuals and families possible. Your generosity today will help eliminate the barriers that keep Canadians affected by neuromuscular disorders from reaching their full potential.

Today, at 35 years old, Christina’s neuromuscular disorder plays a big part in how she moves and operates every single day, but it doesn’t stop her from living her best life. As a self-described social-butterfly who enjoys travelling and going to concerts, Christina credits MDC with helping her have such a positive outlook.

“MDC has played a very important role in who I am today. It has given me the tools to connect with people that are affected like me,” she says. “It has educated me and has made me comfortable in my own skin”.

With your ongoing support, we can help other people affected by neuromuscular disorders achieve their own goals and live their best lives, too.

With your help, we can accomplish incredible things!

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