Muscular Dystrophy Canada is the only dedicated source of funding for neuromuscular research in Canada. Because of donors, volunteers, Fire Fighters and incredible supporters, like you, we invested $900,000 into nine clinical and translational research projects through the Neuromuscular Research Grants Competition this year. Thanks to your generosity, we also invested $63,630 towards an innovative study led by Dr Gonorazky on Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, bringing our research investment for this year closer to $1 million.

In recent years, neuromuscular research has undergone significant transformations, leading to changes in clinical standards, improved diagnoses and breakthroughs in treatment discovery. Continued investment in research is key to keeping and accelerating this momentum moving forward.

“We want to thank the clinicians and researchers on our Scientific Review Panel, as well our Lived Experience Readers who volunteered their time and expertise in selecting this year’s recipients.”

— Stacey Lintern, CEO,
Muscular Dystrophy Canada.

See the full announcement

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