Feel Good Friday Client Spotlight: Willms Family

For this week’s #ClientSpotlight, we are excited to feature the Willms family! During COVID-19, parents Josh and Alisha have been keeping busy by creating a more accessible bathroom for their son Emmett to use and grow into. They built a roll-in shower, and an accessible sink to give Emmett more independence and safety in the bathroom.

Their main focus is for Emmett to be independent, and to do the things he wants and needs to do without limitations. MDC was happy to provide them the support they needed to make this all possible.

This time still remains uncertain for many Canadians and families impacted by neuromuscular disorders. If you require support, learn about our programs and services, or contact a Service Specialist in your area. We are happy to provide guidance and support.

The Willms family is also spending lots of time outside to enjoy the spring weather. They have been going on lots of walks together and even planted a garden. On rainy days, Emmett has been using his imagination to turn the dining room table into a pirate ship. He uses his stuffed animals as his pirate crew and the whole family searches the house for treasures together.

Thank you for sharing with us, Willms family! We love hearing your stories about how you are keeping busy and how you are using your imagination to have fun!

Our Systems Navigation program is designed to support clients in all areas of their non-medical needs including: funding equipment to improve daily life, providing emotional and educational support, and ensuring access to vital resources and support systems.

We understand that clients want to live life on their own terms. Our program provides them with the right resources to build confidence, and to fulfill their dreams, while ensuring they have increased independence.

Learn more about our programs and services.

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