I always dreamed of having a big family. What I never imagined was the heartbreak and stress that comes from having children with serious health disorders.

I have six children, all boys, and three have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Thankfully, we found Muscular Dystrophy Canada. Because of donors, like you, MDC is able to provide support to Canadian families, like mine, who are living with the challenging realities of a neuromuscular disorder.
Of course, each and every family impacted is different, but we all could use a little holiday magic this year. Will you help make someone’s wish come true by giving a special gift this holiday season to help families in need?
We received the first diagnosis 13 years ago. My beautiful baby boy, Matthew, was a year old. I remember worrying about his future and being told there was nothing I could do because there was no cure. Five years later—we received the same news about Sam when he was two years old, and Ben, when he was just six months old.
Each diagnosis brought with it more heartbreak, and new worries and challenges.
That’s why we’re counting on donors like you this holiday season. Because as disorders progress, the need for support increases as well. Your holiday gift today will ensure MDC can provide more families with access to essential services and equipment.
Over the years, I’ve watched helplessly as Matthew, who is now 14, lost his ability to run and jump. And, his ability to get around has decreased. If anything, though, he’s a more positive person because of it. My husband, Steve, calls Matt his hero.
Sam is oblivious to the weight Duchenne carries, and we smile with him because we don’t want him to realize it just yet. But Ben, my youngest, thinks about it a lot. He sees his brothers losing their abilities and shifting to wheelchairs—and knows what’s coming for him.
It gets worse every day, and it takes a toll on all of us.
Having to guide all six of our children on this journey is tough. But there are lots of positives too, like the sense of community, and seeing everyone come together for us. We are so thankful for MDC donors, like you, and the support you’ve provided our family.

Just this past year, we received a van, and it has made our lives so much easier—we couldn’t travel as a family before. We also received a special shower seat for our sons—it’s the little things that make such a big difference.
This equipment comes at a very high price tag, and the average family doesn’t have the financial means to make these purchases on their own. I hope you will find it in your heart to make a donation to MDC this holiday season, so that more Canadian families, like us, can get the support they so desperately need.
We’re really looking forward to the holidays. Our big family loves spending time together watching our favourite holiday films like Elf, Home Alone, and Polar Express. But, it’s not really about what we’re doing—it’s about spending carefree time together. I hope you will consider giving a generous gift today. It will mean families like mine can spend less time worrying during the holidays, and more time just having fun.
From my family to yours, happy holidays.
Jen DeVries, MDC friend & client