Dietary protein requirements in adults with muscular dystrophy


Dr Tyler Churchward-Venne
The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

Lead investigator

Dr Tyler Churchward-Venne

Dr Tyler Churchward-Venne
The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University
Montreal, Quebec

Collaborators & Co-Investigators

  • Mark Tarnopolsky MD, PhD (Co-PI)
  • Joshua Nederveen, PhD

Research Sites & Affiliations

  • The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
  • McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

Budget: $100,000

Disorders: Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy ,   Muscular Dystrophy

Research Areas: Discover Novel Treatments & Therapies


Food contains protein, which plays an important role in maintaining muscle size and function, and support overall health. Insufficient dietary protein intake can reduce muscle size and function, and impair health. How much protein should be eaten by people who have muscular dystrophy is not known. In this study, adults with muscular dystrophy will be asked to consume different amounts of protein, from very small to very large, in order to determine the optimal protein intake. We will also collect breath and urine samples to answer our research question. This study will allow us to determine how much protein people with muscular dystrophy need to consume to give their body what it needs. Eating enough protein may help people with muscular dystrophy better maintain the size and strength of their muscles and improve their quality of life.
