A Population-based Cohort Study of Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Myasthenia Gravis


Dr. Ari Breiner
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario

Lead investigator

Dr. Ari Breiner

Dr. Ari Breiner
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Ottawa, Ontario

Collaborators & Co-Investigators

  • Steven Hawken, PhD
  • Carolina Barnett-Tapia, MD, PhD
  • Pierre Bourque, MD
  • Jodi Warman-Chardon, MD, MSc

Research Sites & Affiliations

  • Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario
  • University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
  • University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario

Budget: $ 49,851.00

Disorders: Myasthenia Gravis

Research Areas: Enhance Care


There is little in the medical literature to guide the management of pregnant patients with myasthenia gravis (MG). Existing guides are based on small series and expert opinion, rather than population-based or prospective data.

Objective: To determine if pregnant MG patients are at increased risk of perinatal compilation (including fetal and maternal complications), in comparison with healthy controls matched on age, geographic region, and year. Month of delivery.

Study Design Retrospective, population-based, cohort study using administrative health databases housed at ICES (Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences).

Significance: This study provides a unique opportunity to study a relatively rare disease using province-wide health services data. The results of the study should both inform clinical practice and form the basis of future prospective studies.
