High Rise Challenge

This year marks the 27th anniversary of the High Rise Challenge, which will take place Saturday, September 28 at La Cité de l’énergie in Shawinigan, Quebec.
The High Rise Challenge is a physical test that pushes participants to their limits, by challenging them to climb the 595 steps of La Cité de l’énergie tower. Funds raised through this event help support Canadians affected by neuromuscular disorders (NMD) by advancing research, providing support programs and services, and advocating for positive public policy changes.

Each year Fire Fighters, paramedics, MDC families, police, military, and community members step up and take on the challenge. Will you join us?


You can also help Canadians affected by neuromuscular disorders, their family members and caregivers by donating to the High Rise Challenge. Every dollar counts!