Exosomal Delivery of Wnt7a for treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Lead investigator

Dr. Michael Rudnicki
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Ottawa, Ontario
Funding partners: Jesse’s Journey
Budget: $300,000
Disorders: Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Research Areas: Discover Novel Treatments & Therapies
Abstract:Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a devastating genetic disorder manifested by progressive muscle wasting and ultimately death around the second decade of life. Injection of a secreted protein called Wnt7a greatly enhances muscle regeneration resulting in amelioration of dystrophic progression. However, based on the its chemical nature Wnt7a cannot be delivered via the blood circulation. We have discovered that Wnt7a is normally secreted on the surface of small vesicles called exosomes during muscle regeneration.
Exosomes have been demonstrated to effectively deliver cargo through the circulation to muscle. We will compare the activity of free Wnt7a versus exosomal Wnt7a, we will investigate the mechanism that targets Wnt7a to exosomes, and we will test the ability of exosomal Wnt7a to be delivered to muscle through the circulation. These experiments have the potential to significantly increase the efficacy of Wnt7a for treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, especially when used in combination with gene correction therapies.