General FAQs
1. Are you receiving mail while the offices are closed?
Mail addressed to our MDC offices is being held for us by Canada Post. When it is deemed safe to do so, this mail will be delivered and we will do our best to follow-up on your correspondence as quickly as possible.
We advise vendors and couriers attempting to make deliveries to contact us toll-free at 1-800-567-2873 or via email at info@muscle.ca to make alternate arrangements.
2. If I have mailed a cheque to MDC, what will happen to it and when will it be processed/receive my tax receipt?
Mail addressed to MDC offices is being held for us by Canada Post. When it is deemed safe to do so, this mail will be delivered and we will do our best to follow-up on your correspondence as quickly as possible.
3. I can’t find my charitable tax receipt?
You can call our toll-free number 1-800-567-2873 or email info@muscle.ca and our team can email you a new copy of your tax receipt.
4. Can I still make a donation to MDC?
Yes, the fastest and easiest way to make a donation is to visit us online at muscle.ca/donate. You can also call us at 1-800-567-2873 and our team will be happy to help.
5. I tried calling your toll-free number and I couldn’t get through Why?
Due to the high volume of calls over networks, you may experience a delay when calling. But please be assured we are here for you. If you have trouble getting through to us, please do not hesitate to reach out via email at info@muscle.ca
6. I was planning to attend an MDC event. Is it still happening?
We have postponed a number of events, and will continue to postpone events, in an effort to keep our staff, clients, volunteers and stakeholders safe. Please visit muscle.ca/events to see a list of event postponements.
7. What events are being postponed?
Event listings will be updated on muscle.ca/events as postponements occur. MDC will also share these notifications on our social media platforms and with registered participants via email.
8. What happens if I brought a ticket for an event, and it has been cancelled / postponed?
At this point in time events are being postponed, not cancelled, so your ticket will be valid when the event is rescheduled. Alternatively, you can convert the purchase of your ticket to a donation and we can issue you a tax receipt; and, we will honour all requests for refunds.
9. I have a fundraising event planned to raise funds for MDC, do I have to cancel?
For your safety, as well as the community, we ask that you postpone your event. We encourage all supporters to take the appropriate precautions, practice social distancing, stay informed by trusted sources such as Public Health Agency of Canada, provincial health agencies and credible news sources such as CBC and CTV.
10. How can I help / still get involved?
There are a number of ways you can continue to support Muscular Dystrophy Canada during this uncertain and unprecedented time.
- You can share our messages on social media
- You can become a monthly donor or increase your monthly donation! Monthly donations ensure MDC has consistent, reliable funding to support and provide services for persons impacted with a neuromuscular disorder now, and in the future.
- Host a virtual fundraiser.
11. Will services still be available for persons with neuromuscular disorders?
Yes. Our team of Service Specialists are available to help. If you need support, please call us toll-free at 1-800-567-2873 and we will connect you with a Service Specialist in your area.
Client and clinic visits, as well as network meetings have been cancelled. We are investigating alternative ways of offering these services and will provide updates as they become available. Currently we are offering a weekly webinar which you can register for through our Facebook page.
12. Why can’t I talk with my usual MDC team member?
We are doing everything we can to ensure we meet the increased needs of our clients and supporters in this time of crisis.
To ensure our financial sustainability, we have temporarily reduced our staff in positions across the organization, at all levels.
Please refer to our statement here.
13. What impact is this crisis having on Muscular Dystrophy Canada?
While postponing critical fundraising events is the smart, safe and responsible choice, there is no doubt that this will have a critical impact on Muscular Dystrophy Canada going forward.
MDC will work with its partners to recover lost revenue once it is safe to do so. We are doing everything we can to ensure we meet the increased needs of our clients (people with neuromuscular disorders, their families, clinicians and allies) in this time of crisis.
We are thankful for our many supporters at all times, but especially at this heightened time of need.
14. What is MDC doing to encourage support from the federal government for persons with neuromuscular disorders?
MDC has signed onto many sector-wide initiatives aimed at advocating for further financial assistance for health charities and Canadian not-for-profits more broadly. Imagine Canada is currently lobbying the federal government for an emergency stabilization fund for the country’s charities that would include cash grants and interest-free loans.