Muscular Dystrophy Canada’s Equipment Program has assisted thousands of Canadians to access the equipment needed to enhance their quality of life. By working with other funders and the government, we share resources to best leverage donor dollars to cover the costs of assistive devices, equipment and accessible technology. At the same time, Muscular Dystrophy Canada works with the neuromuscular community and other like-minded organizations to influence change in public policy so that equipment is funded by government sources.

We know that living with a neuromuscular disorder is expensive. Muscular Dystrophy Canada is fortunate to have the support of Fire Fighters and donors to alleviate financial pressures for the neuromuscular community. Muscular Dystrophy Canada is committed to breaking down the barriers so the neuromuscular community has the resources that enable their independence, safety and full participation.

This program is not funded by government, so MDC Service Specialists work with the neuromuscular community to access other funding resources, in the event there are no other options, Service Specialists will assist with the submission of a funding application for Muscular Dystrophy Canada’s equipment funding program.


You must be a registered client of Muscular Dystrophy Canada to qualify for financial support programs. If you’re not registered yet, please Register as a Client. We are here to help! If you need support completing the registration form, please contact us at 1-800-567-2873 or

Please note: that funding availability differs between regions. Please contact your Service Specialist with any questions about equipment application forms.