A note from our CEO

Muscular Dystrophy Canada (MDC) is extremely proud of the long-standing partnership we have with Fire Fighters across Canada.

Since 1954, Fire Fighters have stood beside MDC; they’re a part of the organization’s DNA. Thanks to their passion, Canadian Fire Fighters have raised nearly $100 million in support of the Canadian neuromuscular community. They are an incredible example of dedication and service to our community.

The unwavering support of Canadian Fire Fighters, especially through the last few years has helped purchase wheelchairs, hospital beds, leg braces, walkers, respirators and other life-changing equipment for individuals of all ages, across the country. Funds raised through Fill the Boot events have supported advocacy efforts to raise awareness and support positive policy changes, and have contributed to significant investments in research that is helping Canadians live longer, fuller lives with access to groundbreaking treatments and therapies.

Thank you, to our Fire Fighting partners. We are proud to have you on our team and we appreciate all that you do every day for the neuromuscular community. To the generous #FillTheBoot donors, thank you for supporting Fire Fighters and their efforts to help raise critical funds and awareness. You are supporting a rich tradition that has a life-changing impact. Thank you!

Stacey Lintern
CEO, Muscular Dystrophy Canada

About Fill The Boot

In 1954, the founder of MDC, Dr. David Green wanted to raise money to help fund research for his son and other families affected by neuromuscular disorders. He contacted the Toronto Fire Fighters to ask for help and a tradition began. Fire Fighters have been Muscular Dystrophy Canada’s long-standing partner, delivering an impact that has been felt for decades.

More than 600 Fire Departments and Associations across Canada raise over $3 million annually. Each year, career and volunteer Fire Fighters give their time and help #FillTheBoot by organizing various events like boot drives, rooftop campouts, stair climbs, ladder sits, car washes, raffles, sporting events and truck pulls all in support of Canadians affected by neuromuscular disorders.

Your Impact

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To learn more about Muscular Dystrophy Canada’s mission, visit us at muscle.ca